Turn over the back of a shampoo, lotion, or body wash bottle. Is the ingredient listing recognizable and easy to pronounce? If not, it is time to consider a switch to natural and organic skincare. Much attention is placed these days on the chemicals that go into our foods, so isn't it important to understand the chemicals going on our skin? Our skin is the largest organ of the human body, so taking care of it is essential.
Why choose organic skincare? Certified organic skincare will be free from pesticide residues, genetically modified ingredients (GMO's), hormones and antibiotics. Currently, personal care products are not defined under organic law. However, the ingredients used in organic skincare can fall under the same standards set for organic food. When researching natural and organic skincare lines, check to make sure the ingredients are free of parabens, phthalates, petrochemicals, pesticides, SLS's, artificial colorings and fragrances. Look for product lines made from 75 - 99% certified organic ingredients or the USDA certified seal which means 95% of the ingredients are organic. One of the most important factors in determining which skincare product to buy is reading labels.
Why is organic skincare important for our babies? A baby's skin can be up to five times thinner than adults, which makes it more prone to skin irritations. Natural ingredients in baby lotions and oils will also allow allergy prone babies to have soft, supple skin. Organic baby skincare includes baby lotions, baby creams, baby oils, shampoos, body washes, diaper cream, and sunscreen. You will find these products made with jojoba oil, aloe, mango & shea butter, organic lavender, chamomile, and organic coconut oil. Many of the products have multi-use purposes. Organic Baby oil is great for baby massages, irritated skin, and cradle cap. A good diaper cream will not only serve baby, but can be used as an anti-chafing cream on adults.
Mom-to-be should be pampered too. If you are not putting harsh chemicals on your baby's skin, why do so to yourself? Organic and natural skincare lines for mom include stretch mark creams, oils, body lotions, nursing balms, and body washes. As more companies manufacture natural and organic product, it is easy to find in drugstores, mass market chains, health food stores, and of course, online. You may find natural and organic products may be more expensive than other labels, but in the long run it is worth knowing only natural and pure ingredients are used. It is good for the environment and may help to reduce the number of trips to a doctor.
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