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Binding Your Dissertations

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

If you need to get your dissertation or honours project bound...

Polhill Library has a binding machine in the Resources Room on the Ground Floor. You can use this to bind your dissertation yourself - providing you've purchased covers and a ring binder. These are available to purchase from the Library as a pack costing 50p.

If you would like a member of staff to bind your dissertation for you then in addition to the cost of the pack you must pay for the cost of the binding. The Library's rates are the same as Reprographics:

  • Small dissertations - Approx £1
  • Medium dissertations - Approx £1.50 (most UG dissertations are this size)
  • Large dissertations - Approx £2
Alternatively you can book a slot for Reprographics in the Copy Shop (Room P0.55, main block). They are open Monday - Friday, 9.00 - 16.30. You will need to provide the copies to be bound. Rates are the same as the Librarys'. You must however book a time with Jenny Hadfield as she has a heavy workload and not leave it till the last minute! You can contact Jenny on: jenny.hadfield@beds.ac.uk

New Research From the IASR

Monday, 29 April 2013

In more news from the IASR: the following new research reports are now available to read online for FREE:

Professorial Lectures On Video

The Institute of Applied Social Research (IASR) at the University of Bedfordshire has made some of its professorial lecture series available on Youtube.You can find details of further lectures on the IASR Events page at: http://www.beds.ac.uk/research/iasr/iasr-events

Amongst those available to watch are:

Professor Ravi Kohli, Monday 16th April 2012

We make the journey and the journey makes us. Reflections on working with unacompanied asylum seeking children and young people.

Professor Jenny Pearce, 9th May 2012

Its all in a lable: new theories for understanding child sexual exploitation. Jenny's research focuses on the social construction of youth and studies of youth culture. In particular she focuses on young people, sexual exploitation, child protection and domestic violence. Jenny also teaches research methods that can be used to access and engage with socially excluded young people and is particularly interested in focusing on the marginalisation of categories of youth. In this, her professorial lecture, she discusses new ways of understanding the exploitation of children.

The End Of E-books On Demand

All the money set aside for the "Ebooks on Demand" project has now been spent. We'll be reviewing what was bought and rented by students since Christmas over the coming months.

What I can already tell you is that more than 1,000 new ebooks were purchased - which is great and very encouraging and consequently the project may well return later in the academic year.

The Benefits of Choosing Organic Baby Foods

Sunday, 28 April 2013

As a parent there is not anything that you would not do for your child; and when it comes to their health and nutrition you want to give them the best advantage possible. That is one reason that organic baby foods have become so popular as it has a number of benefits aimed towards the smallest consumers.

As more and more consumers begin to understand the benefits of eating organic baby foods that are free of chemicals and pesticides, its popularity continues to increase. Organic farmers must follow strictly enforced guidelines put in place by the government and must grow produce without using chemicals that are most often used in the traditional method of farming. They have a commitment to producing vegetables and fruits that are not altered chemically in any way. There are also farmers that produce organic agriculture, as in dairy products and meat, by only feeding their animals organic products; no chemicals or supplements at all are fed to dairy cows or livestock.

Many of these organically produced products were originally intended for adults and since adults were gaining tremendous benefits from this type of food then it only makes sense that organic baby foods are just as healthy for your infant.

Once an infant is able to start being introduced to more solid foods many pediatricians tell us that foods should be introduced to them one at a time; this helps to be able to catch any type of allergies to specific foods at an early age. Giving your child organic food, that are free from harmful chemicals, in a natural state, is one more way that you can protect your baby from those allergies.

Another benefit of organic food is that since they are chemical free they are also one of the safest things for the environment. So not only does it make the babies healthier it also helps to improve the health, and help protect, where they live as well.

Finding good organic baby foods is as close as a trip to your local health food store or grocery store, depending upon where you live. If you have a somewhat limited access to health food stores or organic food check to see if there are some home delivery options in your area or check online. Feeding your child organic baby foods shows that you are committed to the good health of your child and this can result in a lifetime of good habits and health for your child.

Health - Fitness Plays a Big Role

Thursday, 25 April 2013

If you are interested in your health, fitness plays a big role. Many people underestimate the importance of physical activity in relation to overall well being. Studies have shown over and over again how important it really is. In fact, it can reduce the risk of developing life threatening diseases.

For one thing, being fit and physically active relieves stress, which is a killer. If you look at the lifestyles of the majority of the population and their levels of stress, combined with the multiple diseases inflicting a good part, and which are on the rise, you will see that more people are getting sick than in the past. For example, in the past, when the majority of the bread earners were men, it was men that were stressed and more prone to heart attacks, etc. Now, with everyone on the workforce, these statistics have changed and women are rising in relation to such diseases.

With that said, if these people were exercising, then their risk of developing such diseases would decrease. Another example would be with diabetics. For those who suffer from this condition, as well as prediabetes, exercise is one of the recommendations to keep blood sugar levels at bay. Of course, this is in conjunction with healthier eating. The problem of rising numbers in diseases and chronic conditions is that we are all somewhat negligent as to the food we eat, lacking severely in essential nutrients and vitamins.

However, in combination with a diet rich in vitamins from fruits and vegetables and basically one that is balanced with the four food groups, as well as participating in some type of physical activity, you can live a longer and healthier life. Physical activity doesn't have to be something you loathe. In fact, it could be walking, running, or cycling. But it doesn't end there. Perhaps you can join a team and play soccer or some other team sport that you can have lots of fun with.

Free Books From PSE

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Poverty and Social Exclusion (PSE) website is offering 2 seminal books for FREE download:
  • Poor Britain (1985) by Joanna Mack and Stewart Lansley
  • Poverty in the United Kingdom (1979) by Peter Townsend
The books are available for download here: http://www.poverty.ac.uk/free-resources

Other free resources from the PSE include:

Drug Abuse and Crime in Florida

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Drug abuse and crime in Florida are closely related. The crime rate in Florida or in the entire country could be significantly reduced if repeat offenders were required to submit to addiction treatment. It is widely accepted that the use of drugs in penal institutes is as prevalent as the use on the streets. If an offender enters a penitentiary with a drug abuse problem they can continue to nurse their problem while incarcerated. In the rare case that someone enters prison without a drug problem they can become addicted during their sentence.

The Office of Drug Control estimates that 150-200 metric tons of cocaine and three metric tons of heroin arrive in Florida every year. To date, there is no reliable estimate of the amounts of marijuana or designer drugs being transported through our State, but law enforcement testimony leads us to believe that the volume is very high. Based on the testimony we received, we believe billions of narco-dollars are laundered through Florida's commercial and banking establishments every year.

When an offender re-enters the streets of Florida with a drug addiction and no immediate means to support themselves or their habit they become recidivists. Returning to crime is the option taken most often by these individuals. The criminal justice system is riddled with this recurring problem which negatively impacts Florida residents.

Florida residents stuck in this revolving door of the Criminal Justice System need relief in the way of both job training and addiction treatment. First the offender has to receive treatment in a drug rehab center. Treatment involvement has to be part of the parole to insure participation. After the parolee is able to sustain a period of abstinence they need job training and possible employment placement.

The research backs-up the claim that drug rehab works. There is a definite decrease in criminal activity and increase in social functioning when the offender receives duel intervention in addiction and employment. Florida streets become a safer place to live.

Further Increase To Numbers Of Loans

The maximum number of loans that you may borrow at any one time has now increased from 15 to 20 books.

Finding Effective Skin Care Products

Sunday, 21 April 2013

To know what to look for in an antiaging skin care product, it's important to understand what causes deterioration in the skin over time. All aspects of aging, including slack skin, wrinkles and uneven skin tone are the result of free radical damage at the molecular level.

Oxygen molecules are the bad boys of the antiaging world. When involved in a chemical reaction, they frequently lose one of their electrons and then dash madly about trying to steal an electron from another molecule. This can start a destructive chain reaction of unstable molecules, called free radicals, dashing around creating more unstable molecules.

Think of it like a radical mob building to riot force. Free radical damage is also known as oxidation. On metal, it appears in the form of rust. So when we say we are getting rusty, it's not really far from the truth!

Fortunately skin has amazing regenerative abilities that help it repair damage up to a point. As well, nature has provided an anti-riot squad called The Antioxidants. Antioxidants are found in the human body and elsewhere in nature. They effectively block free radicals from getting to other healthy stable molecules.

But there are factors that can accelerate free radical damage to the point that the balance of power shifts in favor of the free radical mob. Current thinking categorizes the factors into: lifestyle (meaning where and how you live); the natural aging process; and genetics.

Some of these skin risk factors can be changed and some can't. As time and science march on, the list of factors which can be mitigated grows longer and longer. Lifestyle changes are frequently possible if you know what to do and are motivated to make the changes.

Thanks to fairly recent scientific findings, the natural aging process of skin can be slowed and even reversed to some extent. That leaves only the genetic factors of skin aging that we are stuck with. At least for now.

UV protection, in the form of SPF creams, is the first topical step to take for your skin's health. The second is moisturizing. The third step is assisting the fight against free radical damage with antioxidants. Steps four and five are skin care products that help remove old/dead/abnormal skin cells and those that promote normal skin regeneration. Many ingredients shown to accomplish this demolition and renovation are found in the latest generation of face creams.

In addition to antiaging treatments that support physical health and beauty, there are also antiaging skin care creams that address cosmetic concerns like adult acne, uneven skin pigmentation and lines of expression.

While no one dies from these conditions, it is widely accepted that if we look better, we feel better. So though treatments for these skin conditions are termed cosmetic , they frequently have a mental health benefit in that they support a healthy self-image and increased self confidence.

This article is for informational purposes only. It does not purport to offer medical advice. Consult a qualified physician before using any of these products.

For a list of the most effective skin care ingredients and what they do, visit http://www.ageless-beauty.com/skin-care.html

The Cost of Child Abuse

Friday, 19 April 2013

The U.S. Department of Health and Human services estimated 906,000 children were victims of child abuse or neglect in 2003. While physical injuries may or may not be immediately visible, abuse and neglect can have consequences for children, families, and society that last lifetimes, if not generations.

The after affects of child abuse and neglect is discussed in terms of physical, psychological, behavioral, mental, behavioral, spiritual and societal consequences. In reality, however, it is impossible to separate them completely. Physical consequences (such as damage to a child's growing brain) can have psychological implications (cognitive delays or emotional difficulties). Psychological problems often manifest as high-risk behaviors. Depression and anxiety compel a person more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol, use illegal or prescription drugs and/or eating disorders. High-risk behaviors, can lead to long-term physical health problems such as sexually transmitted diseases, cancer-vaginal, ovarian or breast in women; prostate, testicular in men, MS, chronic fatigue, lupus, etc.

Physical or sexual abuse can weaken survivors' immune systems according to Dr. Frank Putnam of the National Institute of Mental Health and Dr. Martin Teicher of Harvard Medical School. Putnam conducted studies on 170 girls, age 6-15-half had been abused, half had not-for seven years. The abused girls displayed symptoms such as:

o Abnormal high stress hormones, which can kill neurons in brain areas crucial for thinking and memory

o High levels of an antibody that weaken the immune system.
Teicher completed a series of brain studies on 402 children and adults, many of whom had been sexually or physically abuse. His findings revealed that sexual or physical abuse creates:

o Arrested growth of the left hemisphere of the brain which can hamper development of language and logic

o Growth of the right hemisphere of the brain (the site for emotion) at an abnormally early age

Physical Health after effects:

The immediate physical effects of abuse or neglect can be relatively minor (bruises or cuts) or severe (broken bones, hemorrhage, or even death). In some cases the physical effects are temporary; however, the pain and suffering they cause a child needs to be addressed. Meanwhile, the long-term impact of child abuse and neglect on physical health is just beginning to be explored.

Below are some outcomes researchers have identified:

o Shaken baby syndrome. The immediate effects of shaking a baby (child abuse in infants) can include vomiting, concussion, respiratory distress, seizures, and death. Long-term consequences can include blindness, learning disabilities, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, or paralysis (Conway, 1998).

o Impaired brain development. Child abuse and neglect have been shown, in some cases, to cause important regions of the brain to fail to form properly, resulting in impaired physical, mental, and emotional development (Perry, 2002; Shore, 1997). In other cases, the stress of chronic abuse causes a "hyperarousal" response by certain areas of the brain, which may result in hyperactivity, sleep disturbances, and anxiety, as well as increased vulnerability to post-traumatic stress disorder, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, and learning and memory difficulties (Perry, 2001; Dallam, 2001).

o Poor physical health. A study of 700 children who had been in foster care for 1 year found more than one-quarter of the children had some kind of recurring physical or mental health problem (National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being). A study of 9,500 HMO participants showed a relationship between various forms of household dysfunction (including childhood abuse) and long-term health problems such as sexually transmitted diseases, heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, skeletal fractures, and liver disease (Hillis, Anda, Felitti, Nordenberg, & Marchbanks, 2000; Felitti, Anda, Nordenberg, Williamson, Spitz, Edwards, Koss, & Marks, 1998).

Psychological after effects:

The immediate emotional effects of abuse and neglect-isolation, fear, and an inability to trust-can translate into lifelong consequences including low self-esteem, depression, and relationship difficulties. Researchers have identified links between child abuse and neglect and the following:

o Poor mental and emotional health. In one long-term study, 80 percent of young adults who had been abused met the diagnostic criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder at age 21. These young adults exhibited many problems, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and suicide attempts (Silverman, Reinherz, & Giaconia, 1996). Other psychological and emotional conditions associated with abuse and neglect include: panic disorder, dissociative disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and reactive attachment disorder (Teicher, 2000).

o Cognitive difficulties. The National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being recently found children placed in out-of-home care due to abuse or neglect tended to score lower than the general population on measures of cognitive capacity, language development, and academic achievement (2003).

o Social difficulties. Children who are abused and neglected by caretakers often do not form secure attachments to them. These early attachment difficulties can lead to later difficulties in relationships with other adults as well as with peers (Morrison, Frank, Holland, & Kates, 1999).

Behavioral after effects:

Not all victims of child abuse and neglect will experience behavioral consequences; however, child abuse and neglect appear to make the following more likely:

o Difficulties during adolescence. Studies have found abused and neglected children to be at least 25 percent more likely to experience problems such as delinquency, teen pregnancy, low academic achievement, drug use, and mental health problems (Kelley et al., 1997).

o Juvenile delinquency and adult criminality. A National Institute of Justice study indicated being abused or neglected as a child increased the likelihood of arrest as a juvenile by 59 percent. Abuse and neglect increased the likelihood of adult criminal behavior by 28 percent and violent crime by 30 percent (Widom & Maxfield, 2001).

o Alcohol and other drug abuse. Research consistently reflects an increased likelihood that abused and neglected children will smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol, or take illicit drugs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, as many as two-thirds of people in drug treatment programs reported being abused as children (2000).

o Abusive behavior. Abusive parents often have experienced abuse during their own childhoods. It is estimated approximately one-third of abused and neglected children will eventually victimize their own children (Prevent Child Abuse New York, 2001).

Societal after effects:

While child abuse and neglect usually occurs within the family, the impact does not end there. Society as a whole pays a price for child abuse and neglect, in terms of both direct and indirect costs.

o Direct costs. Direct costs include those associated with maintaining a child welfare system to investigate allegations of child abuse and neglect, as well as expenditures by the judicial, law enforcement, health, and mental health systems to respond to and treat abused children and their families. A 2001 Prevent Child Abuse America report estimates these costs are $24 billion annually.

o Indirect costs. Indirect costs represent the long-term economic consequences of child abuse and neglect. These include juvenile and adult criminal activity, mental and emotional dysfunction, substance abuse, and domestic violence; loss of productivity due to unemployment and underemployment; the cost of special education services, and increased use of the health care system. Prevent Child Abuse America recently estimated these costs are more than $69 billion per year (2001).


Of the research that has been done about the after effects of child abuse and neglect, the effects vary depending on the circumstances of the abuse or neglect, personal characteristics of the child, and the child's environment. Consequences whether mild or severe lasts a lifetime, unless there is emotional and spiritual healing. Ultimately, due to related costs to public entities such as the health care, human services, and educational systems, abuse and neglect impact not just the child and family, but society as a whole. Total estimated Direct and Indirect cost to society for child abuse--verbal, physical/ sexual and neglect is $103 billion annually.

Comparing Complementary Therapies to Use With Traditional Medicine

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Before beginning to discuss how someone would compare complementary therapies to use with traditional medicine, first an explanation of what a complementary therapy is must be given. A complementary therapy is an alternative remedy of some sort that is used in conjunction with conventional medicine.

It's rare for conventional physicians to see the benefit of using complementary alternative therapies along with standard medical practices, although most naturopaths do- and they also recognize that in some cases, conventional medicine truly is the best option- especially in emergency situations.

Alternative therapies can include anything from taking herbal supplements for certain conditions, or prevention thereof, aromatherapy, acupressure, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, massage, food or juice therapy, ayurveda, flower/essence remedy, homeopathy, imagery, reflexology, sound/music therapy, massage, and even yoga, relaxation and meditations.

When you compare complementary therapies, it's a good idea to work closely with a naturopath and/or your conventional physician. This will help you avoid any potential interactions or negative side effects that can occur with any type of medication, supplement or therapy. Keeping yourself informed, asking questions of your physician, and even consulting a naturopth or herbologist ahead of time will help you to make sound decisions where your health is concerned.

As far as complementary medicine goes, by far the most popular therapy out there is the use of herbal supplements, vitamin supplements and mineral supplements. This is because most can be used in conjunction with medications a person is already on, and most of these things do not usually have the negative side effects that mainstream medications have.

But just because something is "natural," doesn't mean that it's perfectly safe- herbal or "natural" supplements can still interact with any other medicines you are taking and can even worsen conditions. Seeking the advice of your physician and a naturopath to help you compare complementary therapies is by far the safest way to seek alternative health care or supplements.

Alternative remedies have been found to be particularly effective in helping to deal with stress, controlling depression and certain other mood disorders, boosting the immune system, and even healing the common cold and flu. Yoga is a particularly effective way to combat stress, depression and other mood disorders- it's also effective in increasing muscle mass, burning fat, increasing flexibility, and even help heal from sports injuries while toning and strengthening muscles.

There are several resources out there to help you along in your journey- numerous websites offer information not only about conventional medicine, but also about alternative remedies. There are thousands of books out there about general alternative medicine, and then also about specific alternative methods of healing and wellness. And of course, there are numerous practitioners out there now who will be more than happy to help answer any questions you have about different alternative therapies.

With more and more people turning to complementary medicine to help heal themselves or as preventive medicine, it's now easier than ever to compare complementary therapies- and with the help of your physician and/or a naturopath, you will be able to choose the ones that are right for you.

Postgraduate Open Day At Luton Campus

Monday, 15 April 2013

The University will host its next Postgraduate Open Event on:

Date: Thursday, 18 April

Time: 2pm - 5.30pm

Venue: Postgraduate and CPD Centre, Luton Campus.

Students will be able to find out about Postgraduate courses in the following Faculties:

● Business School
● Creative Arts, Technologies & Science
● Health & Social Sciences

The event gives you a taster for Postgraduate study at Bedfordshire, and is also the perfect chance to: 

● Talk to our academic experts
● Find out more about our taught Master's and Research Degrees
● Learn more about our Postgraduate Jubilee Scholarship
● Chat to our support staff about funding, preparing their application and careers advice
● Find out more about the University's paid Postgraduate Student Internship Scheme

Please contact David Seaton david.seaton@beds.ac.uk, x3249 if you have any queries.

More on the Anthony Giddens Lecture

Anyone wishing to attend the FREE lecture by Anthony Giddens please note: There is a coach leaving from the Bedford campus at 11.30am. The lecture will begin at 1pm.

Please confirm your attendance with Helen Connolly at: helen.connolly@beds.ac.uk AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you wish to attend.

Benefits of Having a Health Fitness Business

Sunday, 14 April 2013

There are many benefits in owning this type of business. When you are considering opening a health business, you have a lot to know. There are many benefits which include:

1. Extra money- When you operate a fitness center, you gain extra money. You may have to invest a good deal of money, but it will pay off.

Whenever you invest into a health business, you are investing in a business that has many opportunities. There are many things that you can do to advance your money in a health business. Fitness centers are always needed.

2. Healthier life- When people own a fitness club or health center, or work this business from home, they themselves get healthier.

Whenever people work out, they want to see others who are healthy. It is never good to go to the gym and see the workers out of shape.

A health fitness business is what one needs to get into shape. This is why it is best to focus to be like your customers. A healthier life leads to a happier life.

3. Business experience- With the extra business running, you gain the experience that can help you in future endeavors. Granted you may ask, "If I am the owner, why do I need the business experience?"

In today's market, there have been many people who have lost their businesses. When this happens, they have to look for employment. Having the extra experience will get you a nice career.

Whenever a business owner has a plan to advance their business or even a person with the will to open a business you need to have the plan. When you have a plan and goals, you can accomplish a lot.

You never know when you are going to have to rely on your own skills to help get your business going.

Essential Oil Recipes - How to Make Natural Products Using 5 Essential Oils Or Less

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Enjoy using Essential Oils and making your own recipes that give you products that are quick and simple to make.

Using only 5 Essential Oils - keep the cost down but not make inferior products for your use. I never compromised on effectiveness in these recipes if it wouldn't work with the five its not listed.

Costing you less - by reducing the number of Oils and combining them with common household ingredients you spend less, waste less and are able to make more as you want it.

Simple recipes - by keeping the recipes simple to do and easy to follow you can save yourself time along with money.

It was amazing how simple but still effective these products were and how easy they are to make and store or make up quickly when you need them. They are great for you, your family, and for inexpensive gifts that look (and smell) a million dollars.

If you love natural chemical free products then this article is for you. If you love to also save money, then this article is definitely for you.

If you love making your own products, you will love the simple step by step recipes.

Even if you have never blended a product before this article is design to give you the easy instruction and all the information you need to make you own products.

There is several great recipes in each of these sections

• Household cleaning
• First aid and Common Ailments
• Relaxation and Stress Relief
• Skin Care
• Hair Care
• Gift Ideas

When we first decided to create recipes with a smaller number of oils we tested three, four, five and six Essential Oil blends and found that five oils give you the most versatility and best value for money.

When selecting our Essential Oils we tested and tested them until we found the best for -

• Value for Money - why use an expensive oil if a less expensive will work just as well
• Essential Oil versatility - what oils have many benefits and usages
• Essential Oil properties - what oils have a larger range or properties and work the best with our bodies and environment
• Simplicity - more common known oils
• Practicality - easy to find oils so you don't have to search for them


Here is a quick summary of the Five Essential Oils used to create this complete article

1. Lavender
2. Geranium
3. Lemon
4. Chamomile
5. Tea Tree

Lavender Essential Oil - The most popular Essential Oil is Lavender; if you were only ever going to buy one Essential Oil then Lavender would be the one. It is used in all sections of The Essential 5. This amazing oil is one of the most useful of all essential oils. Lavenders properties include antiseptic, relaxant, antitoxic, for burns, sedative, tonic, deodorant to name a few, and blends well with most other oils. It is bridging oil for perfumes and is a very common known aroma.

Geranium Essential Oil - Geranium has a strong herbaceous aroma with similar notes to rose. This great all round Essential oil has therapeutic properties as an astringent, antiseptic, anti-depressant, tonic, antibiotic, and as an anti-infectious agent. Aid against travel sickness, assists with irritations associated with dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.

Lemon Essential Oil - Well known for its clean refreshing aroma it has high anti-bacterial properties. On skin and hair it can be used for its cleansing effect, as well as for its Antiseptic properties, and being refreshing and cooling. Lemon may assist with the ability to concentrate. The strong clean smell is commonly associated with cleanliness.

Chamomile Essential Oil - It is useful in the treatment of aches and pains in muscles and joints. Treatment of symptoms of PMS with Chamomile is also beneficial especially when the symptoms are related to stress. It has long tradition in herbal medicine and the flowers were used in many cures including an herbal tea During World War Two. The strong aroma of chamomile is fruity and herbaceous and ideal for children and those with sensitive skins.

Tea Tree Essential Oil - Most of us have use or own this oil at one stage. It is use in two sections and is best known as a very powerful immune stimulant. It can help to fight off infectious. Used as part of an inhalation it can help with colds, measles, sinusitis & viral infections. For skin & hair, Tea Tree has been used to combat acne, oily skin, head lice & dandruff.


The main benefit of using Essential Oils when making your own products are that a little goes a long way.

Usually you can buy your Oils in 17ml, 15 ml, 12ml or 6 ml bottles and for every 1 milliliter you get 20 drops that means for your 15 ml you get 300 drops and your 12 ml bottle you get 240 drops.

With different Products ranging from only 10 drops or more you can see now a little goes along way.

This is why they are a cost effective way to create your own blends. By simply changing the quantities and the mix of oils and the base products you are able to make many products with only a few oils.

I love that I can make up some products that I use all the time and then I can just make up enough of a product if I want it for a single use, for example when my son had warts I made up a half bottle and applied as per instruction for the two weeks and I have not needed to use it again.

Whereas I always have Air Freshener and All purpose Cleanser available as well as Antiseptic Cream and Bath Bombs, (ideal to throw in the bath with cranky kids).


Add to this some great base products and your away. Using base products combined with Essential Oils for household cleaning and gifts has been used for centuries with records showing uses as far back as ancient Roman Times and in Egypt, Greece and India.

Base products range from everyday common products - Bicarb (bicarbonate soda), Soaps, Salt, Vinegar, Vitamin V creams, Aloe Vera, Eggs along with many other commonly used ingredients.

By understanding that Base Oils and Products have their own properties (attribute, characteristic or ability) allows you to expand the range of recipes and products you may create, by combining of Essential Oil and base product properties.


Some people enjoy cleaning, some people love cleaning, some tolerate it and some do it because 'it has to be done', I'm somewhere between tolerate and 'has to be done', definitely not in the love area. Put on some music; grab the kids, grab my great products and I get it done.

I want products that work; I don't want to have to repeat it. So if I can have effective products that are natural, chemical free, and smell divine, then that's a bonus.

• Air freshener - room deodorizer, ironing aid, curtain freshener
• All Purpose Cleanser - any room in the house the needs an abrasive cleaner; ovens, showers, fridges, air conditioners, bathrooms, benches, cups, drawers, microwaves
• Baking Soda Shaker - general all round all purpose abrasive, stainless steel, shoes - odor
• Vinegar Spray - antibacterial surface cleaner, polishes car chrome, Spray car windows to keep them frost free, clean eye glasses, must have for jellyfish and blue bottle stings, removes fruit stains from hands, removes onion smell from hands


250 ml Spray bottle

15 drops Essential Oils as below (blend suggestions)

250 ml Boiled (cooled) Water

To freshen and deodorize your house, don't mask the bad smells; eliminate them. Any of the below blends are great of create your own air freshener, using the blend to suit your needs.

MIX 1 - 10 drops of Essential Oils into bottle of water and shake well. Shake before each use.

Blend suggestions:

Welcoming - welcome people into your home, invokes memories of peace in most people.

Lavender - 15 drops

All purpose - a blend suitable for every room; freshens the air and contains bacterial properties.

Lavender - 8 drops, Lemon 4 drops, Geranium 3 drops

Bloom - Ideal for kitchen and eliminating cooking odor.

Lavender 6 drops, Lemon 5 drops, Tea Tree 4 drops

Smell Ease - remove the unpleasant odor associated with bathrooms and laundries

Lemon 10 drops, Chamomile 3 drops, Lavender 2 drops

Other Uses -

• Ironing Aid - spray directly onto clothes and iron
• Room deodorizer - eliminating stale and unpleasant smells
• Curtain freshener - spray directly onto curtains and allow the warm of the sun to intensify the beautiful natural Essential Oil aromas.


Large Salt Shaker


Large salt shaker or talc powder bottle or container (jar) with holes pierced into lid may be used. If Bicarb is needed as an abrasive, it can be used alone, with Surface Spray or All Purpose Cleaner for added removal of built up grime. Easier and more practical than having in a box and pouring it out, you seem to use less as the powder is evenly distributed.

Other Uses -

• Kids - will love using this - shake onto surface, spray with vinegar and watch it fizz let the kids wipe the bench and love the fizzing feeling on their fingers - cleaning done with fun!
• Stainless Steel - cleans and removes minor rust stains
• Odor eliminator - shoes, carpets and pet areas


250 ml sauce (squirt) bottle

140 ml Boiled (warm) Water

60 ml Vinegar

50 ml soap or washing liquid

2 tablespoons Bicarb

10 drops Lemon Essential Oil

5 drops Lavender Essential Oil

5 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil

A wonderful All Purpose Cleanser that can be used throughout the household. Heavier than a surface spray with a gentle abrasive quality and soap for removal of grease build up. This Cleaner is antibacterial, disinfectant, and cleansing.

MIX: - Mix this mixture in a glass bowl or jug, cool and pour into bottle.

Pour in 1/2 of warm water add Bicarb, stir until dissolved,

Add to this mixture 1/2 vinegar (1/2 vinegar quantity, allow mixture to rinse and lower, add rest of Vinegar) and add liquid soap stir until blended. Add Essential Oils and pour in remaining warm water. Stir well, allow cooling before use.

Other Uses -

• Benches - Cleaning any surfaces with gentle abrasive cleaner
• Fridges - for fresh odor and sparkling clean look
• Showers and bathrooms - helps eliminate build up
• Air conditioners Cups - great for removing coffee stains
• Drawers - removes grime and marks
• Microwaves - cleans inside and out


250 ml Spray bottle

250 ml vinegar

A pure blend of vinegar can be used by itself or part of a cleaning system. This spray is ideal for cleaning mirrors, glass and windows, and for use with Bicarb for cleaning.

Other Uses -

• Polishes car chrome
• Spray car windows to keep them frost free
• clean eye glasses
• must have for jellyfish, blue bottle stings
• removes fruit stains from hands
• removes onion smell from hands


Creating a First Aid Kit and treating Common Ailments is a great way to see the benefits of using Essential Oils.

Essential Oils bring their therapeutic benefits to the body as they are absorbed into the blood stream via the skin or lungs. The aromatic fragrances can have a pleasing and powerful effect on our general wellbeing. As the Essential Oils enter the bloodstream they take their healing powers to the part of the body that is in most need.

With First Aid and Common Ailments you will find over a period of time you will make up more products that you use regularly and this will bring even more benefits to you and your family.


50 ml dark colored glass jar

43 ml Base Cream

20 drops (1 ml) Lavender Essential Oil

15 drops Geranium Essential Oil

15 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil

Use of this antiseptic blend assists in the healing of cuts and wounds. Use directly onto injury and cover with bandage or band-aid for quicker healing.

MIX: Into glass jar spoon in Base Cream fill 2/3 of jar add in essential oils, mix with spoon, fill jar and remix.

BURN GEL, mild

50 ml glass jar

43 ml Aloe Vera Gel

40 (2 ml) drops Lavender Essential Oil

10 drops Chamomile Essential Oil

IMMEDIATELY apply cold water to area, run water over area for approx 10 minutes.

For small areas a few drops of Lavender (neat) straight from the bottle, onto area followed by ice pack is ideal.

For large areas apply blend above (I have this made up in fridge always) as it is even better if Aloe Vera Gel blend is cold. Apply clean gauze bandage and cover with ice pack. ALWAYS SEEK MEDICAL ADVICE IF SEVERE BURN.

MIX: Into glass jar spoon in Aloe Vera Gel fill 2/3 of jar add in essential oils, mix with spoon, fill jar and remix.


10 ml dark colored glass jar or container

10ml Aloe Vera Gel

6 drops Geranium Essential Oil

4 drops Chamomile Essential Oil

Apply regularly to lips to keep them moist and smooth.

MIX: Into glass jar spoon in Aloe Vera Gel fill 2/3 of jar add in essential oils, mix with spoon, fill jar and remix.


10 ml glass jar

10 ml Aloe Vera Gel

4 drops Geranium Essential Oil

3 drops Tea Tree Essential Oils

2 drops Chamomile Essential Oils

1 drop Lavender Essential Oils

This blend can assist in the reduction of the severity of cold sores. Apply when the tingling feeling starts, (if possible to help prevent cold sore from forming), or apply directly onto sore to help keep moist and encourage healing of inflammation.

MIX: Into glass jar spoon in Aloe Vera Gel fill 2/3 of jar add in essential oils, mix with spoon, fill jar and remix


10 ml glass bottle

10 ml base oil

10 drops Essential Oils as below

MIX: Lavender 10 drops

Assist in the relief of headaches. Inhale directly from the bottle, especially before leaving the bed in the morning. Massage onto pulse points, wrist, temples, and base of neck and across forehead. Drop 5-10 drops in bath or shower, may be used in oil burner.

MIX: Pour base oil to glass bottle, add Essential Oils and shake well.


Time to relax you've got to be joking. I have heard this time and time again and I know hard it is to fit it in. By making my own relaxation products I could adjust them to what I wanted, and vary them to suit my moods. For example I would you different oils for relaxing, for sleep, for stress or mediation.


5 drops Lavender, 3 drops Chamomile, 2 drops Geranium


4 drops Geranium, 2 drops Chamomile, 2 drops Lavender, 2 drop Lemon


7 drops Chamomile, 3 drops Lavender


15 ml glass bottle

15 ml Essential Oils (your blend)

Creating a blend of Essential Oils gives you a synergy of the oils. That means the combined benefit of the oils is higher than its individual oils. Remember your 100% Essential Oil blend is not for use on your body it must be a diluted blend for body usage. 100% Essential 100% Oil blends are ideal for oil burners, foot spas, baths, inhalations, humidifiers, diffusers and mediation.

MIX Add the total drops of each Essential Oil into the bottle as shake gently to blend.


15 ml glass bottle

30 drops (1.5 ml) Essential Oils (your blend)

13.5 ml base oil

Creating a blend of Essential Oils gives you a synergy of the oils. Blending it down with base oil allows you the versatility to use for body applications. 10% Essential Oil Blends are ideal for pulse point or quick relief, compresses, candles, direct application, showers and inhalations.


200 grams Epson salts

20 drops Essential Oil (your blend)

1 tablespoon Bicarb

1 teaspoon Food coloring or herbs or flower petals for coloring

Combine the properties of these truly amazing natural products to create a simple and effective bath product. Add your Essential Oils depending on your mood and desires and lets your troubles float away.

MIX: To the Epson salts stir in Bicarb and coloring product (if required) and mix well then add Essential Oil blend and mix again.


100 ml glass bottle

100 drops (5 ml) Essential Oils (your blend)

95 ml base oils


The recipe gives you great oil; use this if you prefer to use body oil, instead of a moisturizer cream. Body is great to give skin supple appearance and ideal for dry skin or sin in harsh climates where even the loveliest of skin has a tendency to dry up. Apply all over body, for added directly after bath with skin is still damp and gently pat dry.

one of the benefits of making your own skin care products is definitely price, but where you will really see the benefits is in the condition of your skin.

When I started making my own products I notice my skin loved the benefits of the Essential Oils and the high quality base products and it look so much better.

What I found was that I didn't react to anything in the blends as there were no chemicals to irritate my skin. If a blend seems to strong on my skin I just added more Base product to reduce the strength of it, this make the blend lighter. I found this ideal for teenagers, when they first started using their own products as they usually have a tendency to be heavy handed with products and their skin is extra sensitive (hormonal). I found it was an ideal solution and over time if they felt the product wasn't doing its job (i.e. not a clean feeling) I then increase it back up to the original blend ratios.

Normal Skin- Normal Skin usually has a flat appearance, with a healthy glow. It is supple and smooth and free if blemish (may get an occasional one).

Combination Skin - The most common skin type is combination skin, which usually has drier cheeks and the area from the chin up to the forehead and then across the forehead is oily (your t-zone

Acne - Acne skin needs to be treated with an antibacterial cream for the acne and a moisturizer than evens out the skin, helping to reduce the blemishes. Always seek medical assistance with severe acne as many times it's an internal imbalance that needs to be corrected to assist with the external healing of the skin.

Sensitive Skin - Sensitive skin can be any of the different skin types, when making products for sensitive skin HALF the essential oils use in the recipe.

Use the correct Essential Oils for different skin types

Normal Skin - Lavender, Geranium, Lemon and Chamomile

Oily - Lavender, Tea Tree, Chamomile and Geranium

Combination - Lavender, Lemon, Geranium and Chamomile

Acne - Lavender, Geranium, Tea Tree and Lemon


100 ml glass bottle

100 drops (5 ml) Essential Oil

95 ml Liquid Soap Mix

Suggested Blends

Normal, Oily, Acne Skin Types

60 drops (3 ml) Lavender, 40 drops (2 ml) Lemon Essential Oils

Dry and Combination Skin Types

60 drops (3 ml) Lavender, 40 drops (2 ml) Geranium Essential Oils

Massage onto face, neck and decollete and wash off with warm water and cloth (or cotton wipes). You will need to wipe 2-3 times, to remove all oil and grime from skin. Rinse again, tone, pat dry and moisturize.

MIX: Pour in Liquid Soap Mix into bottle, add to this your Essential Oils and shake well. For babies and children up to 2 years, half the quantity of essential oils.


100ml glass bottle

40 drops (2 ml) Lavender Essential Oil

5 ml Vinegar

93 ml water

Apply to cotton ball and gently wipe of face

MIX: Add water and Vinegar to bottle and then add Essential Oil, mix thoroughly. Shake well before each use as no dispersant is used (ingredient found in commercial products to keep products from separating)


RATIO: 100 drops (5 ml) Essential Oils: 95 ml Base Cream

100 ml glass jar

100 drops (5 ml) Essential Oil blend (as below)

95 ml Base Cream

Blend Suggestions

dr = drop

Normal Skin

30 dr Lavender, 30 dr Geranium, 20 dr Lemon, 20 dr Chamomile

Oily Skin

40 dr Geranium, 25 dr Lavender, 25 dr Tea Tree, 10 dr Chamomile

Dry Skin

35 dr Lemon, 35 dr Lavender, 20 dr Geranium, 15 dr Chamomile

Combination Skin

30 dr Lavender, 30 dr Lemon, 20 dr Chamomile, 20 dr Tea Tree

Acne Skin

35 drop Tea Tree, 25 dr Lavender, 20 dr Geranium, 20 dr Lemon

After cleansing and toning you will need to add moisture back to your skin (even oily) Use this blend daily before apply makeup or as part of the morning / evening skincare ritual.

MIX: Into glass jar spoon in Base Cream fill 2/3 of jar add in essential oils, mix with spoon, fill jar and remix


Your "crowning glory" is an important part of your appearance and your confidence. If your hair is oily, messy or lifeless it doesn't matter how well you dress your appearance lacks the finesse of the 'together' look. Why do you think there is the term 'bad hair day'.

I found I could change this with the right products, and lots of expense, but I decided to find natural alternatives that didn't break the bank and help my hair without filling it full of chemicals.

Your hair is usually categorized allowing for correct products to be used. Hair can be Normal, Oily, Dry, Damaged and Dandruff. You can tell your hair type by having a look at it in good light and noticing several different aspects.

Normal Hair - shiny and gloss with little or no frizz

Oily Hair - tends to have a buildup of grease, looks dull and lifeless

Dry Hair - usually frizzy and brittle, looks dry and messy

Damaged Hair - any of the above combined with easy breakage and lack of elasticity

Dandruff - flakes found on scalp and may fall onto clothing

Use the correct Essential Oils for different skin types

Normal - Lavender, Chamomile, Lemon, Geranium

Oily - Lavender,Chamomile, Geranium, Tea Tree

Dry - Lavender, Geranium, Chamomile, Lemon

Damaged - Lavender, Chamomile, Geranium, Tea Tree

Dandruff- Lavender, Chamomile, Lemon, Tea Tree


200ml bottle

200 ml Liquid Soap Mix (see soap for recipe)

30 drops Essential Oils as below

Blend Suggestions

dr = drops

Everyday Use for Normal Hair

10 dr Lavender, 8 dr Chamomile, 6 dr Lemon, 6 dr Geranium

Oily Hair

10 dr Geranium, 8 dr Chamomile, 6 dr Lavender, 6 dr Tea Tree

Dry Hair

10 drops Chamomile, 8 drops Lemon, 6 dr Geranium, 6 dr Lavender


10 dr Chamomile, 10 dr Geranium, 5 dr Tea Tree, 5 dr Lavender


10 dr Tea Tree, 8 dr Chamomile, 6 dr Lavender, 6 dr Lemon

This recipe gives you a base for all your Shampoo blends. For babies and children up to 2 years, half the quantity of essential oils.

If you don't wish to make your own shampoo base buy a natural baby shampoo with no added aromas. You will not get as much foam when you wash with this shampoo as there is no foaming agent added, so don't be worried you hair is getting clean just the same.

MIX: Pour in Liquid Soap Mix into bottle; add to this your Essential Oils and shake well.


200 ml bottle

47 ml base oil

1 cup Boiled (hot) Water

20 drops (1 ml) Chamomile Essential Oils

Massage into hair, leave on for two - three minutes and rinse off.

This recipe gives you a base for all your conditioner blends. If you don't wish to make your own conditioner base buy a natural gentle conditioner (baby conditioner) with no added aromas.

MIX: To hot water add Essential Oil and then add base oil mix together (shake well) thoroughly. The ingredients in this mix may separate, as no dispersant was used (chemical use to keep blends from separating in store bought products), before use shake well to remix ingredients.


RATIO: 20 drops essential oil: 100 ml base oil

100 ml bottle

10 drops Lemon

99 ml base oil

Pour approx a tablespoon (2 tablespoons for long hair) into small bowl and heat in microwave or double boiler method until warm (not boiling) pour into palm and massage through hair add another tablespoon if required to give a nice coverage over hair.

Wrap hair in plastic wrap (or plastic bag, or shower cap) and then wrap around a towel, this will keep the heat in giving extra benefit to your treatment.

Allow to remain on hair for 20 - 30 minutes. Rinse out and style as usual (if you find you hair is still to oily you may shampoo and condition your hair).

MIX: To give your hair a lovely revitalizing treatment, blend the base oil with the Essential Oils and shake thoroughly.


Do you love giving gifts, do you love giving high quality gifts that you know they will love?

I love giving gifts and usually try to get something that my friends and family will use and appreciate; sometimes this is hard especially if they are the sort of person who really has everything they need.

I have found over the years that people receive handmade gifts exceptionally well and I think this is because in this day and age where you can buy just about anything you want and people are having more and more 'stuff' a beautiful handmade gift that they can see you can taken time and effort to make means they are appreciated.

Another benefit of making gifts from Essential Oils is even though they are handmade they can look and will feel expensive and high quality. I remember giving some bath salts once and the person being quite happy about it, but a couple of days later I get a phone call saying how wonderful the Bath Salts where to use compared to other products she had used in the past and could she have more (I gave her the recipe).

For that added touch always present your gifts elegantly in boxes and package that looks a million.


160 grams Bicarb

40 gram of Citric Acid

20 drops Essential Oil (your blend)

1 tablespoon base oil

1 teaspoon Food coloring or herbs or flower petals for coloring

Combining the natural fizz of Bicarb, that invigorates your mind and body with the wonderful properties of pure Essential Oils to create bath bombs that help the body and mind and are fun for the whole family.

MIX: Combine all dried ingredients in a bowl add Essential Oils 5 drops at a time and mix extremely well and then add base oil. If required add more base oil, your mixture should hold together into a basic shape. Press mixture into mould and allow to set (2 -3 hours). Press out and store in air tight container.


Baths, Foot Baths

BATH OIL - Dissolving

200 ml bottle

100 ml (5ml) Essential Oils (your blend)

30 ml base oil

160 ml vodka

Love oil and baths and the way it gives moisture to your skin and relaxes you but don't like the oil ring after, how about bath oil without the oil ring.

This blend will nearly dissolves completely in the bath water. A little goes a long way so don't go overboard. Add to your bath, and enjoy the aromas for relaxations and stress relief.

MIX: Mix together the Essential Oils and vodka, stirring the mixture slowly to disperse all the Essential Oil droplets. Allow the mixture to stand for 2-3 days (in a cool dark place) and then add water. Allow the mixture for another 2-3 days (in a cool dark place) then you may use it (you can make it in all one go, but for a better product this time line is important).


200 grams Epson salts

20 drops Essential Oil (your blend)

1 tablespoon Bicarb

Place is clear jar with ribbon and label will delight your friends.

1 teaspoon Food coloring or herbs or flower petals for coloring

Combine the properties of these truly amazing natural products to create a simple and effective bath product.

MIX: To the Epson salts stir in Bicarb and coloring product (if required) and mix well then add Essential Oil blend and mix again.


As you can see the world of Aromatherapy and using Essential Oils is amazing and diverse. I love that you can create your own Products so simply and that you can adjust them to your individual likes and dislikes.

Using Essential Oil and making Natural Products for you, your family and friend is a great way to save money and benefit for the therapeutic properties at the same time.

Enhancement to the Document Supply Service

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

In the past if you requested an item on inter-library loan, using our document supply service and if that item was actually already stocked by UoB Libraries you were simply sent a link to that item in the library catalogue.

Now, if you request an item which is already stocked by UoB Libraries a RESERVATION will automatically be placed for you and you will receive the following message:

This item is in stock at the University of Bedfordshire.

Please remember to check the University catalogue before

submitting requests through document supply.


We have reserved this item for you and will email you

when it is available for pickup at your home campus.

Free Lecture By Leading Sociologist Anthony Giddens

Leading sociologist and advocate of the "Third Way", Anthony Giddens will be giving a free lecture about his forthcoming book "Off the Edge of History: the World in the 21st Century next Wednesday (17th April 2013). The lecture will take place at 1.00 pm in room G101, Luton Campus Centre.

The lecture is free to all students at the University of Bedfordshire. If you plan to attend please email Helen Connolly at: helen.connolly@beds.ac.uk

Why Choose Organic Beauty?

Monday, 8 April 2013

Would you rate your bathroom cabinet as dangerous as the cupboard that holds your home cleaners? If you think this is a ridiculous notion then you need to read on further. Your bathroom cabinet that contains your beauty and skin care beauty products is one of the most dangerous areas of your home. If you are still using commercial beauty products and not organic beauty products, then your daily beauty regime could be a toxic nightmare! Organic beauty products are not just a fashionable trend. They are quickly becoming a vital change in our on going mission to be forever young and beautiful and most importantly healthy.

Current everyday cosmetics contain many dangerous ingredients whose names sound like they should belong in a lab rather than used on our faces and bodies. The endless list of synthetic man-made ingredients that are being put into our cosmetics, hair care products and skin care products are now acknowledged for their carcinogenic and reproductive system damaging properties if they are used for a sustained period.

Many people assume that the contents found in their expensive beauty products have been tested for their safety. Unfortunately those who are ensuring their safety are also those who are paid by the industry leaders and they are often more ruled by the profit margin of a product rather than its safety. Scientists employed by these governing bodies also belong to the review boards and product safety sometimes is not addressed as it should be. Why would companies that wish to make large profits want to substitute their cheap and easy to make synthetic products for those that are natural and more expensive to produce just because they are safer?

So what is the price that are we really paying to be beautiful and young? Besides the ridiculous prices we pay for the top beauty products, we are also be paying the price for our health and for future generations also. In 2004, the The Environmental Working Group (EWG) released a study that tested 7,500 products against lists of ingredients that are chemical health hazards. The study showed that many of the products tested fell short of consumer safety needs. The following ingredients are the worst offenders and are found in a wide range of products today. These cancer-causing ingredients are coal tar, alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids and phthalates, a hormone-disrupting ingredient.

The best way to avoid the toxic attack that is being led by your beauty products is to choose organic beauty products. Lucky for us, wide ranges of organic beauty products can be found online, at your local organic store and health food stores. Some supermarkets are now even carrying organic brands due to the demand now being placed by consumers. And not just organic facial creams either. Organic companies are now making organic makeup and cosmetics, organic hair care products including hair styling gels and natural and organic skin care washes, scrubs and treatments masks. A great range of products to suit every organic beauty desire and skin type. However, don't be fooled by misleading advertising. It is absolutely necessary that you read the entire ingredients list to make sure they are 100% natural, and preferably organic.

The Consequences and Impacts of Drug Abuse

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Millions of people suffer from substance abuse problems. Some of those problems may be minor addictions, while others are downright dangerous both to the individual and everyone around them, unless the individual goes to drug rehab. Substance abuse causes many problems that go beyond just affecting the drug user himself.

Drugs may cause you to do things that you never thought you would do. You might never have been willing to commit a crime when not under the influence of drugs. But if you have no other way to be able to get your high, you might be willing to steal or sell your body to get the money you need to fund your addiction.

Drugs can also be a life threatening problem. There are a reason why all of these substances are illegal, and that reason is that they are harmful and potentially life threatening. Drugs can cause a wide range of health problems, from heart attack, stroke, and seizures to organ damage. They can also cause many mental problems including hallucinations, depression, and suicide.

Now that you know how dangerous drugs can be, you have to know what to do to help you quit using drugs for good. You have to admit that your drug use is a problem. Admitting that the problem exists is the first step you have to take.

Next you have to seek treatment for your drug addiction, which is best handled by a formal drug rehab institution. The longer you have been addicted to drugs, the harder it is going to be to shake your drug problem. Serious drug users will have many problems when trying to quit using drugs. Your body will become dependent on the drugs, and may go through serious withdrawal once you quit using. These withdrawal symptoms can be serious medical issues, such as migraines, nausea, tremors, and mental problems.

Withdrawal symptoms are just the beginning of the problems you will experience when you are trying to begin a drug free lifestyle. The temptations of going back to using can be hard to avoid even when you are in rehab. If you are out on your own all by yourself, staying drug free will be nearly impossible. Drug rehab treatment gives you the help of trained professionals as allies. You will also be shaking the addiction in a controlled environment where the temptations aren't there. Eventually you will have to learn to stay drug free on your own, but drug rehab will be necessary to help wean you off of the drugs.

7 Alcohol and Drug Abuse Tips

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Most people who have loved ones with an alcohol or drug abuse problem would do anything to help them. Here I will give you seven top tips to help deal with your loved one's problem.

Don't Play the Blame Game

Although it can be hard, try not to blame your loved one for their problem, and equally don't blame yourself if it is you that has a problem. An alcohol or drug abuse problem is a disease like many others, and shouldn't be a matter of blame.

Seek Help

Once you can accept that assigning blame will not help you, you should seek help (in fact you should seek help, even if you feel that you still need to lay blame!) There are huge numbers of self help groups and charities which cater to people with this problem. These include groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous, where patients can talk about their problems in a non-judgemental and understanding environment.

Seek Medical Guidance

As drug and alcohol abuse is a medical condition, there are a large number of medical professionals who will be able to help you overcome the problem if you have gone beyond the point that non-professional support will help. There are trained counsellors who know how to approach the problem, and drugs experts who may be able to help with the 'weaning off' process for many drugs.

Avoid People Who Are Still Users

While this may seem obvious, not everyone realises how serious the impact of a friendship circle can be. If you are in a position to keep your loved one away from people who they regularly drink or take drugs with, then do so. You will probably know how helpful it is to do things like quit smoking or diet if there are supportive people to help you. This also works in reverse, and you may find that these people want your loved one to abuse drugs and alcohol.

Find the Right Method

Try experimenting with different methods of quitting. Cold turkey isn't for everyone; you may find it easier to give up in stages, or be prescribed a less harmful version of the drug which can be regulated and reduced in order for you or your loved one to have fewer withdrawal symptoms.

Don't Give Up

Relapse is unfortunate part of drug and alcohol abuse. Just because you or your loved one relapses, this doesn't mean that either of you have failed. Recovery is rarely linear in any illness, particularly one which is mental and physical in origin. Depending on the drug involved, the body can become chemically as well as psychologically addicted to the substance, which will make it even more difficult to quit.

Maintain Treatment

When you have followed all these steps, be sure that your loved one continues treatment so they don't fall back into old habits. It can be helpful to have supportive people around them even in post recovery, and they may find it rewarding to help others who are in their situation.

Why Choose Organic Body Lotion?

Monday, 1 April 2013

Somebody who is not health conscious would probably just buy any kind of lotion they find and would probably prefer scented lotion without taking into consideration the ingredients of such lotion. Nowadays you have to be a responsible shopper for it is your health that is at stake.

There are specific ingredients that you are to avoid when buying skin care products and this you should check every time you purchase a lotion. Always read the ingredients before you purchase one. The safest way to shop nowadays is to go for organic products.

If you are on the quest of finding the best body lotion then it is highly recommended for you to have organic products. It offers a lot of benefits to the skin and brings about wonderful healing to the skin too.

Organic lotion is best because it's from natural extracts, oils and other substances that are safe for the skin. They blend well with your skins natural oil and moisturizers thus produce a good anti-aging effect. That is why they are preferred by most women of today and even since ancient times.

Finding the right product today can be tiresome. You just can't figure out which one to buy. To narrow down your choices, try to find the following organic substances in the body lotion products.

  • Grape Seed Oil - Grape seed oil hydrates the skin throughout the entire day which is very important for your skin. It creates an invisible layer on your skin to maintain moisture the whole day. It also claims to reduce stretch marks.
  • Manuka Honey - Manuka Honey is popular for its healing powers to the skin. Honey has an antibacterial and antioxidant properties which brings fast healing to some serious skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. It also supports skin cell renewal, stimulates the immune system and assist in the information of collagen.
  • Wakame - It is an extract from Japanese sea kelp. It is popularly known as the "beauty preserver" in Japan since it brings youthful looking skin. It is potent antioxidants to fight off free radicals and oxidative stress. It is rich in vitamins and minerals too that is just perfect for your skin.

Natural body lotion also address the biggest concern of women today - the aging process. Scientifically speaking, when you turn into your late 20's and beyond, your body cannot produce as much as collagen and elastin as it use to. Unfortunately, collagen and elastin is what keeps your skin firm, flexible and elastic. That is why when you buy a skin care product, check the ingredients if it contains CynergyTK. It is a natural substance that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin naturally in your body.

This ingredient definitely promotes slow aging, helping to smooth out wrinkles and prevent them in the near future. So when you buy your organic body lotion, look for the substances discuss above and you will surely get the best lotion for you.

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