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Natural Health Therapies and Cancer - Part Four

Saturday 12 October 2013

This article is the fourth installment of a series on Natural Health Therapies and Cancer. The material presented is meant to inform you of complementary cancer therapies that are available in the medical community. These therapies are to be used in cooperation with other cancer treatment methods. They are not meant to be done in place of your physician's care. In the previous articles, we have discussed the fundamentals of cancer, reviewed a list of causes, explored the various types and stages of cancer, examined the role that nutrition can play in cancer growth, and looked at the use of herbal supplements as a form of cancer therapy. This segment will discuss various Physical Support Therapies and their benefits for individuals with cancer. The specific physical therapies will include Detoxification, Biological Dentistry, Water Therapy, Heat Therapy, Bodywork (which covers such areas as Therapeutic Massage and Exercise) and the ancient Chinese practice of Qi Gong.


I know that I have talked about the practice of detoxification in articles on diet, fasting, and cleansing your digestive system. In the society we live in, we are constantly bombarded by pollutants that directly affect our body. Right now, most drinking water contains over 700 chemicals; over 10,000 chemicals are used in food processing and storage; and over 3000 chemicals are added to the food supply. We directly ingest all of these toxins and they can remain in our body for years. The only way to cleanse the system is through a detoxification process.

There are several different systems to detoxify the body; the length of time for the various systems lasts from one week to several months. A thorough detoxification will address clearing all areas through which the body releases toxins -- the intestines, the bladder, the lungs, and the skin. In addition, each system will have a special program of nutrition to help rebuild the body's healing system.

In order to do a proper detoxification, you should consult with your physician regarding dietary changes, reduction of stress load, massage and skin brushing (stimulates nervous system and lymphatic system), herbal supplements, and nutrients such as antioxidants and probiotics to boost your immune system function.

Biological Dentistry

The practice of Biological Dentistry involves removing dental toxins such as mercury-based dental fillings and root canals that can harbor unidentified infections. This practice has been developing since the 1940s, and focuses on using nontoxic dental restoration material instead of mercury dental amalgams.

Practitioners believe that the mercury leeches out from dental fillings and travels into the body tissues. This process weakens the immune system, providing an opportunity for cancer growth. They also believe that root canals can contain hidden infections, which can directly contribute to the development of cancer.

The removal of amalgam fillings must be followed by any detoxification of the body in order to eliminate any residual mercury that may still be in the body tissues. This is a dietary process similar to the one described above and lasts roughly three months.

Water Therapy

The technique of Water Therapy or Hydrotherapy uses water, ice, steam, as well as water at hot and cold temperatures to assist the body in removing toxins. Techniques included steam baths, hot and cold compresses, sitz baths, colonic irrigations, and full-body immersions.

Water Therapy is used for detoxification as well as for the relief of stress and pain. This is achieved by increasing the blood circulation and heightening the immune response to the application of water techniques at various temperatures.

Heat Therapy

Hyperthermia or Heat Therapy is beneficial to individuals battling cancer because cancer cells are vulnerable to high temperatures. Methods of raising the temperatures include saunas, hot packs, steam baths, or wrapping oneself in hot blankets. Common medical approaches include ultrasound, shortwave or microwave diathermy, radiant heating, and extracorporeal heating.

Ultrasound increases the body temperature by the frictions of the sound waves as they pass through the various body tissues. Diathermy causes the body temperature to rise by electromagnetic energy delivered at certain radio frequencies. Radiant heat is the application of infrared heat to areas of the body. Extracorporeal heating is the practice of removing the blood, heating it outside of the body, and returning it to the body at a higher temperature.

Hyperthermia has been shown in studies to change the structure of cell membranes. It makes tumor cells, easier to attack with radiation or chemotherapy, while protecting the normal cells.


The term Bodywork refers to a wide range of practices such as Therapeutic Massage and Exercise. These techniques provide physical relaxation, stimulation of the circulatory system, reduction of pain, stimulation of the lymph system, and enhancement of the body's immune system.

Massage helps to relax muscle tension as well as speeding the removal of toxins from the system. Prolonged muscle contractions contribute to pain and interfere with the elimination of chemical wastes in the muscles.

Exercise helps with digestion, weight control, detoxification, and immune system function. Yoga, low-impact aerobics, calisthenics, stretching and flexing exercises are all good ways to strengthen the body's healing system. The benefits of exercise for people with cancer are as follows:

· Increased blood supply to cells -- cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment.

· Lymph system stimulation -- muscular contractions help the lymph system remove toxins more rapidly.

· Increased immune system function -- exercise increases the activity of the body's Natural Killer cells.

· Increased body temperature -- exercise elevates the body temperature to a level that is destructive to cancer cells.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong (pronounce chee-GUNG) is a therapy of slow movements used to develop deep relaxation, enhanced oxygen supply, increased lymph circulation, and to reduce symptoms associated with cancer. This system has been used in China for centuries as a preventive measure. Qi Gong directs the production and flow of qi or vital life force throughout the body. This life force is considered an essential component of Traditional Chinese Medicine and determining the flow of qi is an important part of the analysis of any disease.

The main ways that Qi Gong aids in resisting cancer are by:

· Supplying additional oxygen to the body cells - this is helpful because cancer cells cannot survive in an oxygen-rich environment and unlike vigorous exercise the oxygen is distributed throughout the body instead of being concentrated in the muscles.

· Improving the balance in the autonomic nervous system - this is beneficial because the autonomic nervous system controls our 'fight-or-flight' response and dumps stress-related hormones into our system that suppress our immune system. Balancing this system decreases blood pressure by dilating the blood vessels, which helps the oxygen supply and boosts the immune function.

· Increasing the function of the lymph system - this is advantageous because the lymph system acts as the body's sewage system, taking toxins from all the body's cells. Improving the circulation of the lymph system rids the body of toxins more rapidly and transporting immune system cells to areas of need.

In the next article, we will complete our five part series on cancer as we explore the use of Energy Support Therapies for cancer therapy. These methods include Electrodermal Screening, Magnetic Therapy, and Light Therapy. If you would like more information on any topic discussed in this article, you can contact me through my website. As always, I hope that you have found this information helpful and educational. Remember that you are the one in charge of your health.

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